Who We Are

We are a leading indigenous Engineering Procurement and Construction (EPC) company active in the dredging, procurement, infrastructure and building sectors in Nigeria.

Comprised of a team of highly experienced professionals, CRITERION has been delivering performance excellence to government and private sector clients in Nigeria for close to decade.

101Excellent service

About Us

CRITERION’s business activities cover Dredging, Procurement, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Building Construction. We are a unique partner to companies that are involved in mining, oil & gas exploration and similar industries. We supply all required equipment and provide both machines and other procurement items. We also work in close partnership with industry-leading companies around the world.

Our Vision

To become a leading Marine Support and Security Services Company providing Maritime Solutions, Maritime Security and Energy Services with regards to quality and safety while at the same time creating opportunities for economic growth thereby contributing to a sustainable development.

Looking for SecurityDrillingPipelineCleanup Services?

Real Estate

We unlock your real estate needs with personalized expertise, transparent negotiations, and a seamless experience.

Maritime Support

We provide security to safeguard against unlawful interference with maritime, offshore facility or ship operations.

Building Construction

Transform your vision into reality with our team. Recognized for excellence in craftsmanship, we deliver projects that exceed your expectations and build lasting value. Experience the difference.

meet our team

Talents Behind Our Success

Our team boasts of a respectable profile spanning years of successful careers in multinational organizations, commerce, project management, law, marine, energy and petroleum engineering. These are both in the public and private sectors. We are also backed-up by formidable foreign technical partners. We parade a highly competent and motivated workforce. Our workers are trained and well equipped to render services in the relevant sectors.


Have questions?

+234(0) 803 285 0264, +234(0) 803 527 7007

Chris Maduike Street Lekki Phase 1, Lagos.

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